Tree in Front of Student Union Building

ASU Lobby Committee

Los Angeles Valley College is currently only offering remote/online services. If you need to reach us, please use our online services below.

We ask for your patience as we are working hard to serve all students.

Stay Safe, Stay at Home Monarchs!

The ASU Lobby Committee falls under the responsibilities of the Commissioner of Political and External Affairs.

The ASU Lobby Committee shall:

  1. Monitor any legislation that may be either beneficial or detrimental to the college and the student population and make recommendations regarding the issue to the Executive Council.
  2. Develop complete and comprehensive advocacy plans that will include the following (pending approval of the Executive Council:
    1. Bills that these plans concern
    2. Legistative visits with potential legislators
    3. Coalition partners you are meeting with
    4. In what capacity these partners will help
    5. Available legislative and informational resources
    6. Campaign advocacy
    7. Where we will be
    8. How much we are being covered (outside sources)
    9. Budget Requests
  3. Act on all advocacy plans once approved
  4. May take actions not approved prior only if in accordance with Article XI, Section 4 of the Constitution.



Office Location

Student Union Building 2nd Floor


Phone: (818) 778-5516

Visit Main Page for Online Helpdesk